Happy New Year from Arlington Machinery!
All of us at Arlington Machinery wish all our customers, family and friends a Happy New Year. May the new year bring you good health, new opportunities and much success! We will be closed Monday January 3rd and reopen on Tuesday January 4th, 2022!!
Continue readingMerry Christmas from Arlington Machinery!
All of us at Arlington Machinery wish all our customers, family and friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Our office will be closed Friday Dec 24th and Monday Dec 27th in celebration of the Christmas Holiday. We will reopen Tuesday Dec 28th at 8am. Merry Christmas!
Continue readingHappy Thanksgiving from all of us at Arlington Machinery!
All of us at Arlington Machinery are thankful today and everyday, for all of our valued customers, friends and family! We will be CLOSED on Thursday, November 25th and Friday November 26th so our employees can spend time with family. We will re-open on Monday Nov 29th.Happy Thanksgiv...
Continue readingHave Arlington Machinery convert your old extruders DC motor and drive to a new WEG system!
Get rid of your maintenance issues by eliminating brushes and a commutatorIncrease efficiency by significantly lowering amp draw for the same processBecome more accurate by using sensor less vector control in open loop 1000:1 turn down for low speed torqueLess than a week turnaround. Esti...
Continue readingSOLD! Hosokawa Pipe Shredder Shredding System with DGH700/1000 Granulator
Used Hosokawa Pipe Shredder Shredding System Model DGR1000 With DGH700/1000 Granulator Coffin Style Feeding Bed, 6700mm x 870mm (263" x 34") 15 Kw Hydraulically Actuated Ram, 980mm (38.5") Rotor DiameterDual 45kw Motors with Gearboxes, 36 RPM Rotor SpeedFed into DGH 700/7000 H7-3 100HP Granulator, 7...
Continue readingLOOK at this!! 6" Davis Standard Extruder, New in 2012 - LOW HOURS!
6" Davis Standard Extruder, 30:1 L/D, Air Cooled, 600 HP New In 2012 LOW HOURS! 180" EDI Magnum Sheet Die .5" Lip Opening
Continue readingHappy Labor Day
Happy Labor Day! In observance of the holiday we will be closed on Monday September 6th.. We will be back in the office on Tuesday, September 7th. Have a fun and safe holiday weekend!!
Continue readingUpcoming Auction of Injection Molding and Support Equipment! - SOLD!
Surplus to the Continuing Operations of Aptar Global Packaging and Dispensing Company Injection Molding and Support, Assembly M...
Continue readingWatch us unload this huge machine at Arlington Machinery!
Arlington is capable of loading machinery of all sizes! Watch while we unload this Brown CS-5500 Thermoformer at Arlingtons new location!
Continue readingInjection Molding Machines & Support Equipment For Sale!
18542J- 309 Ton Nissei Injection Molding Machine Model FNX280-71A, 23.5 Oz, New In 2012 - SOLD! 18545J- 200 Ton Toyo Injection Molding Machine Model TM-200H, 15.9 Oz, New In 1999 - SOLD! 18546J- 200 Ton Toyo Injection Molding Machine Model TM-200H, 15.9 Oz, New In 1997 - SOLD! 18547J- 150 Ton...
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