Arlington Plastics Machinery, a seller of plastic processing equipment for over 25 years, is branching out to sell the Virtus line of equipment for the size reduction and processing of Biomass.

Virtus features a German engineered line of granulators, shredders and briquetting presses designed for biomass.  “There are quite a few similarities between the equipment for plastics and equipment for biomass,” said Arlington’s Vice President Alan Clarke.  “Shredders and granulators are something we sell every day to plastics companies. Now we’re going to take our equipment knowledge and expand to a new customer base.”

Worldwide, biomass currently provides over 10 percent of our energy needs.  Biomass will become an increasingly important energy source rising to 30 percent globally by 2050.  In times of rising energy cost, petroleum and gas reserves diminishing, and a world focus on environmental impact, alternative energy forms are becoming increasingly important. It makes sense to use energy resources that are ready available, plentiful, renewable and sustainable. Biomass provides us with one of the most environmentally friendly energy sources to meet the worlds growing energy needs.

Pellets are the most common product on the international biomass market. The global production of wood pellets has shown an exponential growth:

From 2 million tons of wood pellets in 2001 to 4 million tons in 2006, to 9 million in 2008 and 16 million in 2010. Over the years, the level of professionalism in the sector has risen, as has the average production capacity and capital investment per wood pellet plant. Additionally, increasing amounts of wood chips, briquettes, and pellets from agricultural residues are used for energy production.

For more information, you can contact Arlington Plastics at 847-956-7300, Follow this link to see the Virtus line or to request a full brochure.