2.5" Cincinnati Milacron Single Screw Extruder, 28:1 L/D Ratio, 75 HP Reliance AC Motor With Reliance GV3000/SE Inverter Drive, 14.52:1 Gearbox Ratio, Air-Cooled Barrel, 4 Barrel Zones, 3 Die Zones, Barrier Screw, 42" Centerline, 2.5" x 4" Rectangular Feed Throat, 120.5 RPM Screw Speed, Flender SZNE-200 Gearbox Rated to 159 HP, Barrel Clamp, Control Panel With Tachometer, Amp Meter, Melt Temp, and Speed Pot.
Gala SMUP-6D Cutting Head With 5 HP Motor, S/N 982108
Micro Pellet Die, Waterbox, And Site Glass
Gala Model MB500 TWS 40 Water System and Dryer, 3 HP Re-circulation Pump, 3 HP Spin Dryer Motor, Heat Exchanger, Immersion Heater, S/N 992642.
Gala Control Panel With Frenic 5000G11 AC Inverter Drive
Spare Screw
Running When Removed From Service In August 2016, Previously Running FPVC Micropellets
Approximate Dimensions:
Extruder - 102" L X 48" W X 88"H
Cutting Head - 60" L x 32" W x 54" H
Tempered Water System and Dryer - 72" L x 50" W x 114" H
Pelletizer COntrol Panel - 36" L x 20" W x 86" H