43MM Berstorff Co-Rotating Twin
Screw Extruder, 500 RPM Intermeshing Screws, 36:1 L/D Ratio, 8 Barrel
Sections(2 Vented, 1 Side Feed), Eurotherm 808 Temperature Controllers,
42" Centerline, 50 HP(37KW) 2500 RPM, Reliance DC Motor WIth Mentor II
DC Drive, 4.68:1 Flender Gearbox Rated to 56HP (42KW), Water-Cooled
Barrel, Cutler-Hammer Panelmate Control Panel, GE Fanuc Progamable
Controller, Stainless Steel Feed Hopper With Cooling Coil, 32MM K-Tron
Twin Screw Side Feeder, Screw Puller, User Manuals And Prints, 460/3/60,
105 Amps, New In 1997, S/N 0897001.
- Screw Information:
- 43MM Outer Screw Diameter, 30MM Core Diameter, 25 MM Shaft Diameter, 1.44 OD/ID Ratio
- Previously Running PP
- Includes Test Run Prior To Shipping
- Approximate Dimensions:
- Extruder: 112" L x 24" W x 56" H
- Extruder Panel: 40" L x 20" W x 46" H
- Feeder: 36" L x 16" W x 58" H
- Feeder Panel: 24" L x 24" W x 68" H