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Metalworking Support Equipment

For a single machine or your entire shop floor, we are your resource for quality used and professionally refurbished equipment.

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metalworking support equipment

Arlington Machinery has a selection of metalworking support equipment to assist all machine shops.

The Metalworking Machinery You Need

For most any plastics manufacturing needs at your machine shop, your company will benefit from our selection of manual mills, lathes, and grinders.

We also carry different kinds of inspection equipment for your needs from CMM machines and comparators.

metal working support equipment

Diverse Metalworking Equipment Options

  • Manual Mills, lathes, and Grinders: Some of the most common manual machines are knee mills, engine lathes, and surface grinders. Some of the most common makes of manual machines are Bridgeport, Mitsui, Harig, Clausing, Monarch, and Hardinge.
  • CMM Machines (Coordinate Measuring Machine): A CMM is used to measure the geometry of a physical object by using discrete points from the surface of an object with a probe. CMM’s use different kinds of probes from Micrometrology and mechanical probes. CMM can also be CNC or manual machines. Some of the major brands in CMM are Brown & Sharpe and Mitutoyo.
  • Optical Comparator: This is used to applies the principles of optics for inspection of parts that are manufactured. Comparators are widely used for measuring complex shapes and dimensions. These are highly used in aviation and aerospace industries.
Contact us to learn more about our how we can find you the ideal support equipment for your business' needs. Call or complete an online form today.

Machinery Solutions for Plastics Manufacturing

Arlington Machinery provides extensive service offerings and product selection to serve the needs of the plastics manufacturing industry.



More than just brokers, we inspect, repair and refurbish equipment to sell in the condition you require - financing available.

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Our experts appraise and buy equipment of varying condition, with trade-in and upgrade options to support your sale.

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