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Plastic Pipe Puller Cutters

For a single machine or your entire shop floor, we are your resource for quality used and professionally refurbished equipment.

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We have a variety of puller cutters within our vast inventory of plastic cutting equipment. Pullers and cutters can be used separately or in combination depending on what your specific application demands. Arlington Plastics Machinery sells used puller cutters that are completely refurbished, or you can purchase our plastic cutter as is or in running condition. Browse our in-stock puller cutters to find the equipment that will improve you current plastic cutting process.

Puller cutters work by having two flat belts that spin to assist in pulling the plastic product out so that it can be cut to a specific length. Separate pullers and cutters can be purchased and used in conjunction, or we also have specialized puller cutter machines that combine the two types of equipment into one. This highly-efficient plastic cutting equipment will make your current processes more productive and reduce wasted raw materials, which in turn will reduce your costs.
Machinery Solutions for Plastics Manufacturing

Arlington Machinery provides extensive service offerings and product selection to serve the needs of the plastics manufacturing industry.



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