Have machinery to sell? We are always looking to purchase used machinery. Contact us today!

Quality Used and Refurbished Blown Film Extrusion Equipment

For a single machine or your entire shop floor, we are your resource for quality used and professionally refurbished equipment.

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Blown film extrusion equipment is used in hundreds of industries around the world. By melting thermoplastic resins and inflating them, a thin-walled tube is created. The tubular film can then be slit to create a flat film or sealed at an end to create bags/sacks. Film can be colored, printed on, and otherwise finished into the perfect final product.

Blown Film Materials and Application

The most common thermoplastic resins used in blown film processes are polyethylenes like HDPE and LDPE as well as polypropenes (PP). Depending on the resin used, the resulting strength can be ideal for anything from basic consumer goods to higher-performance industrial applications.

These resins are blown to create monolayer or multilayer/coextrusions for a variety of end uses and applications:

  • Laminating Film
  • Shrink Wrap
  • Agricultural Covering Film
  • Bags or Film for Textiles & Clothing
  • Plastic Shopping Bags

Variety of Blown Film Extruder Equipment

Since 1987, Arlington Machinery has been a worldwide leader in plastics machinery equipment, including blown film equipment and accessories. We maintain a rotating inventory of equipment for all steps in the blown film process, including high-quality used machines from trusted manufacturers including Domino, Ruli, Mitsubishi, Citcronix, Kiefel, and Davis.

Contact us to explore our current inventory of used or refurbished machines and parts, including:

  • Resin Feed Systems
  • Blown Film Dies
  • Air Rings
  • Blown Film Extrusion Lines
  • Bagmaking Machinery
  • Laser and Inkjet Printers
  • Winders
  • Cutters

Buy or Sell Used Blown Film Extruders and Accessories

At Arlington Machinery, we are not just a broker of equipment. We maintain our own warehouse and machine shop, and we assist manufacturing companies of all sizes and industries.

If you are looking to purchase a refurbished, used, or as-is machine, we’d be happy to show you our inventory and make specific recommendations for make, model, and/or vintage. If you want to sell your equipment, we’d like to hear from you, too! We offer expert appraisal services with compliance for USPAP, AMEA, ASA IVS and IFRS.

To learn more about our blown film equipment or to discuss your production output needs, please give us a call. To request a product quote now, fill out our online form. Financing is available.

Machinery Solutions for Plastics Manufacturing

Arlington Machinery provides extensive service offerings and product selection to serve the needs of the plastics manufacturing industry.



More than just brokers, we inspect, repair and refurbish equipment to sell in the condition you require - financing available.

Buy Quality Machinery


Our experts appraise and buy equipment of varying condition, with trade-in and upgrade options to support your sale.

Sell Your Equipment


Receive quick, accurate machinery appraisals for auction, insurance, refinancing or any other business need.

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