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Plastic Wash Lines

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Arlington Machinery sells used Plastic Wash Lines for recycling post-consumer plastic. Wash Lines typically comprise of several components including bale breakers, sink float tanks, classifiers, sorting conveyors and size reduction. Arlington machinery often lists complete wash lines for sale, along with providing individual components to build a customized solution.

On the secondary market it is common to see washlines advertised piecemeal or down by component base. Integrated complete lines are also available for specific feed streams.

Industrial Wash Systems and Plastic Wash Line Equipment

Typical washlines will have a size reduction component. This will include dual shaft or single shaft shredders. Pre breakers or “bale breakers” can be used to break up bales to aid in feeding the material.  Granulators are used to further reduce the size of material typicality 1”-.25”. 

Sorting and Separation

Sorting and separation can be done in a few ways.  Most common is a sink float tank were the heavy plastic sinks to the bottom and an auger is used to evacuate the plastic out. The less dense plastic floats on the top of the tank. Paddles are used to agitate and break up the plastic as it travels through.

Optical sorters have become more common in the post-consumer plastic industry.  Optical eyes scan plastic for color and type.  Pneumatic air jets are used to blast the non-conforming plastic from the ongoing conveyor.  This can be an efficient way to sort recyclable plastic without human sorters.

Industrial Washing System Components

The washing component can be done is several ways as well.

  • Friction washing, also known as high-intensity washing can be used to break off the dirty partials and liberate the plastic from contaminates. Hot or cold water can be used depending on the process need.
  • Metal detection and inline magnets are used to handle metals that have contaminated the feed stream.
  • Centrifugal dryers or mechanical dryers can be used to spin of access moister. Hot air dryers are used to handle moister in a secondary process for further drying.
  • To move the plastic through the system it is common to used belted conveyors, material blowers with cyclones, and auger feed conveyors. 

Washlines can be used for many types of applications.  Typical feed streams include PET Bottles, PE Bottles/tubs, Agriculture films or E-waste

The most common manufacturers of wash line equipment is Herbold, PRI, Gala Industries, Witte, and Gennox.

Buy Plastic Wash Lines and Industrial Washer Systems at Arlington Machinery

As a premier buyer and seller of industrial plastics machinery, Arlington Machinery offers a diverse selection of plastic wash line equipment. All machines are evaluated for quality and sold in good working condition. Contact us with your equipment needs and we will find the right machine at the right price.

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