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Compounding & Pelletizing Plastic Size Reduction Equipment

For a single machine or your entire shop floor, we are your resource for quality used and professionally refurbished equipment.

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Arlington Plastics Machinery has specialized in the purchase, refurbishment, and sale of plastics machinery since 1987, and we’re proud to host one of the best selections of plastic pelletizers in the industry. If you’re looking for a new or used pelletizing system, we invite you to browse our huge inventory today. We offer some of the best prices and most experienced personnel, and we’d love to help you find the ideal pelletizing system for your production or post-production needs.

New and Used Plastic Pelletizing Systems

Although all pelletizers provide the same basic result—usable plastic in a smaller form—the best compounding or pelletizing system for your application will depend on several factors: the type of polymer, the operating conditions, the desired pellet size and shape, the preferred amount of operator intervention, and more. To make sure you get a plastic pelletizing method that suits your needs, Arlington Plastics Machinery can consult with you on a variety of systems:

  • Automatic Strand Pelletizing System: Self-stranding machines are ideal for high-production volumes with few product changes.
  • Underwater Palletizing System: Underwater pelletizers are great for spherical rather than cylindrical pellets. These systems can be automated as well for certain production processes.
  • Water-Ring Pelletizing System: Water-ring pelletizers work automatically and are designed for non-sticky polymers.
  • Drop Pelletizing System: Drop pelletizers offer specialized capabilities for waxes and other low-viscosity plastics.

Plastic Compounding and Pellitizing for Size Reduction

Plastic pelletizing is a critical intermediate step in numerous industry applications and production processes, and the right piece of equipment can reduce error, increase quality and consistency, and save operator time. If you need help finding the right pelletizers or if you’d like to refurbish or modify your existing machines to better meet your needs, contact Arlington Plastics Machinery.

Just give us a call to explain your production process and desired outcome, and our plastics industry experts will help you select the right piece of size reduction equipment. You can also request a free quote for the pelletizing system of your choice by adding it to your online cart now.
Machinery Solutions for Plastics Manufacturing

Arlington Machinery provides extensive service offerings and product selection to serve the needs of the plastics manufacturing industry.



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